
Hello! from the Science FTW team. We started this podcast because we’re lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing scientists and individuals that are studying / researching / doing all kinds of awesome stuff. In each episode, we chat with a scientist about their work and their passion. All of them are driven by a desire to make the world a better place.

The team is Hannah, Alex & Gary. More about us below.

Hannah McGrath ScienceFTW

Hannah McGrath

Hannah likes to procrastinate. Instead of creating the ScienceFTW podcast, Hannah should probably be diligently working on her PhD or “get a real job and stop messing around in carrot fields” (Hannah’s mum, 2018). If you do decide to take anything away from this podcast, Hannah wants you to get to know the scientists we speak to, because science isn’t just done by old men with impressively long, white beards or just by people who wear lab coats and look cool in goggles.

Alex Dye ScienceFTW

Alex Dye

Alex likes flies. And beetles and weevils and moths and all the other kinds of fun creepy crawlies.  If you ever have the pleasure of having a picnic with Alex and you end up swatting at a wasp, Alex will instantly end up chasing after it to figure out which species of wasp it is. Alex’s noble quest with the ScienceFTW podcast is offer you a glimpse at the less glamorous, but more fun and unpredictable side of science.

Gary Frewin ScienceFTW

Gary Frewin

Gary likes facts. And even more than his love for juicy facts, Gary loves to talk about these facts. In the pub, on stage, in his sleep and while dangling from a cliff at 2000m. We challenge you to pick a location and Gary will have spoken about science there. In fact, sharing the gory details behind the science of feeding the world is why you’re lucky enough to have this podcast (and definitely not because it’s his job and he’s getting paid for it).
